Michał Tatarynowicz, Developer in Elblag, Poland
Michał is available for hire
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Michał Tatarynowicz

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Web App Development Developer

Elblag, Poland
Toptal Member Since
September 18, 2014

Michał has been a professional full-time developer for over a decade. Before that, he worked mostly in advertising companies doing technical, print-related work, and website development. He is very passionate about code quality and how it relates to developer productivity and the company bottom line.


Assertis, Ltd.
PHP, APIs, REST APIs, Back-end, Node.js, Architecture, Docker...
Egmont Publishing
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Chef, MySQL, PHP, APIs, REST APIs, Back-end, Laravel...
Wirtualna Polska SA
MongoDB, MySQL, Oracle, JavaScript, PHP, APIs, REST APIs, Back-end, SQL




Preferred Environment

Composer, Git, PhpStorm, APIs, REST APIs, Back-end, Node.js, Docker, API Development, API Integration, JSON, TypeScript, MVC Frameworks

The most amazing...

...thing I've done is to start the CakePHP open source project, a set of tools for building web apps that is currently in use by tens of thousands of websites.

Work Experience


2014 - PRESENT
Assertis, Ltd.
  • Helped design and implement a train tickets eCommerce service-oriented architecture.
  • Implemented train reservations and payments based on outside APIs.
  • Created an app to pull in multiple data feeds and parse them into a single database with a helper library.
  • Created an CQRS/ES-driven multi-step refunds service.
  • Learned a great deal about testing and code quality management.
Technologies: PHP, APIs, REST APIs, Back-end, Node.js, Architecture, Docker, Technical Project Management, CI/CD Pipelines, API Development, API Integration, JSON, TypeScript, Software Architecture, MVC Frameworks, SQL, Software as a Service (SaaS), Microservices, API Architecture

PHP Programmer

2019 - 2020
Egmont Publishing
  • Improved and refactored a large CMS/Publishing application running 10+ news sites.
  • Created unit and acceptance tests.
  • Added issue and bug tracking software, automated error and log gathering.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Chef, MySQL, PHP, APIs, REST APIs, Back-end, Laravel, CI/CD Pipelines, API Integration, WordPress, MVC Frameworks, SQL


2013 - 2014
Wirtualna Polska SA
  • Created a system for storing, calculating, and displaying sports results and statistics.
  • Helped create the front and back end of a blogging platform.
  • Helped design and create a multi-datacenter, SOA-based content repository system for a group of popular websites.
  • Created a JavaScript-based Markdown-style markup language editor.
Technologies: MongoDB, MySQL, Oracle, JavaScript, PHP, APIs, REST APIs, Back-end, SQL


2006 - 2013
  • Designed and developed a drag-n-drop, multi-site, versioned CMS with payments and domain purchasing.
  • Created a web app for tracking and visualizing occupancy and finances for hotels and hotel networks.
  • Wrote the back end for an online Farmville-type game.
  • Created and supported dozens of online competition sites, including a suite of back-office apps with graphical stats, personal data management, and spam/scam fighting tools.
  • Created a system to interface with a mobile operator gateway for a SMS-based competition.
Technologies: JavaScript, MySQL, PHP, Back-end, MVC Frameworks, SQL

Web Developer

2004 - 2006
  • Created a large-scale PHP/MySQL forum.
  • Created standards-compliant websites.
Technologies: MySQL, PHP, MVC Frameworks, SQL

Web Master, Designer

2003 - 2004
Mama Design Poland
  • Created and open-sourced a PHP framework (CakePHP).
  • Created CMS-backed websites.
  • Prepared materials for offset printing.
Technologies: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, PHP, MVC Frameworks, SQL

Sleeper.scot Website

Helped create the back-end architecture supporting ticket reservations, sales, back-office management, and refunds for a Scottish train operating company.

Monitoring Rynku Hotelarskiego (via Wonderhouse)

An app for tracking and visualizing occupancy and finances for hotels and hotel networks using PHP5, MySQL, and Google Charts API.

CakePHP Framework

I started the CakePHP open source project, which is a set of tools to make building web apps easier. It is currently used by tens of thousands of websites, is actively developed by 50+ programmers, and has received more than 5,000 stars on GitHub.

WebRobi (via Wonderhouse)

A multi-website, drag-n-drop CMS system with payments and domain purchasing. Technologies used: PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and vendor APIs.

Historia.wp.pl (via Wirtualna Polska)

A history blog made using PHP, Java, and OracleDB.

Bloog.pl (via Wirtualna Polska)

A rewrite of a blogging platform utilizing PHP, Java, JavaScript, and MySQL.

WP New Content Repository

An internal CMS project in a multi-data-center, microservice-based architecture, including technologies such as PHP, Java, JavaScript, Python, Kafka, Consul, Docker, MongoDB, and HBase-backed Titan.


TypeScript, PHP, JavaScript, SQL, Java, XML


Silex, Laravel, Symfony


REST APIs, Node.js, API Development, jQuery


Slack, PhpStorm, Jira, Git, Composer, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Chef, Jenkins


Refactoring, Service-oriented Architecture (SOA), Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Model View Controller (MVC), Microservices, REST, Clean Code, KISS, API Architecture, Event Sourcing, CQRS


JSON, MySQL, MongoDB, Memcached


MVC Frameworks, Web App Development, APIs, Back-end, Architecture, API Integration, Software Architecture, Software as a Service (SaaS), User Experience (UX), Ajax, Technical Project Management, CI/CD Pipelines


Amazon Web Services (AWS), LAMP, Linux, Ubuntu, Docker, Oracle, WordPress

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