authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.
验证专家 在设计

Mike has many years of successful design experience working for global clients like ExxonMobil, 锐步, 塔可钟, 和耐克.





设计ing an empathic experience requires total immersion into the lives of your target audience. 正如UX专业人士的格言“站在客户的立场上走一英里”所暗示的那样, 面试, 角色, 用例, 用户流, 旅行地图, 焦点小组, 等. are involved in an educated attempt to accurately engage the people you most want to influence.

但是个体的人格类型呢? 真正激励一个人的是什么? 他们真正看重的是什么? What factors are playing out in their life 那。 may impact or influence their ability to engage an experience? 这些都是无形的,我们通常没有实质性的方法来量化.

数据科学 数据分析可以告诉我们很多关于一个人的上网习惯. 解读这些数据可以让我们了解他们的生活. 但是,在网络世界之外,在他们的头脑中发生了什么呢? 这就是行为科学可以提供帮助的地方.


行为科学是研究人类行为和决策的学科. It involves direct and indirect observation of people through a qualitative and quantitative approach. 使用这种方法,您可以观察到特定的行为类型 产品设计 过程.

区分原型有助于将人分成更大的群体. 这门科学的价值, 然而, 在一个人偏离他们的原型规范的情况下,能最好地找到吗. 当人们偏离典型的决策模式时, we can implement nudges and other motivators to positively impact 他们的行为 and bring them back into the experience. 这种做法有很大的价值, 尤其是在医疗保健领域, 病人的行为对维持健康和幸福很重要.



原型主要基于用户或用户组的行为模式. They are defined by studying patterns of action during an experience: how and why people buy something—and why, 以及他们采取行动的动机. By immersing yourself in 他们的行为, you see and experience things from their point of view. 这将导致更准确的设计策略向前发展. It also helps to more accurately mark and measure analytics 那。 will be used later to iterate on the design solution.


为什么要关心原型? 通过了解一个人的原型,你可以更容易地“站在他们的立场上”. Immersing yourself in the 过程 of learning about who it is you are 设计 for provides invaluable insight and authenticates your understanding of their concerns and challenges. 通过这样做获得的清晰度将帮助您在设计时充分考虑到他们的需求.

原型是塑造人类行为的天生倾向, 他人被模仿和模仿的行为模式-卡尔·荣格


The first step in determining a person’s archetype is to ask questions during a series of user 面试. 然后,你可以在他们的个人资料设置过程中提出额外的问题, and then more questions sprinkled throughout the product experience as they utilize it over time. 这样做的目的是澄清信息,告诉你他们关心什么, 他们的动机是什么?, 以及他们看重什么.

Determining aspects of their offline life—the life factors influencing their decision making—helps identify their mindset. 他们有债务吗?? 他们正在经历关系的变化吗? 等等......。. 像这样的生活问题在很多方面影响着人们. This real-life information is often used in healthcare solutions—its use also has value in consumer goods and other habit-based online situations.


在数据分析方面, observing where people visit online—their shopping habits and social patterns—can also give us a view of their world. This data becomes more valuable as it is collected and interpreted over longer periods of time. 随着时间的推移,模式会慢慢改变, 通过从这个角度量化他们的活动和进展, 我们开始收集一个故事和一个更深入的画面,他们的生活.

Based on the information gathered, there are many different ways you can define archetypes. Some users may be on the competitive side, while others may be of a more herd type mentality. 有些人可能是独奏家,而另一些人则是培养型, 更无私,随时准备帮助有需要的人.

关于设计原型的更多例子, 在这里看到的.


人物角色对于定义整体受众及其成员非常有用, but they deal heavily with the facts and characteristics of a person and less about how they think. 它们定义了我们在和谁说话. 原型更深入地挖掘一个人的行为模式. 和, 我们将在本文后面看到, 更重要的是, 可能引起不良反应的东西.



随着时间的推移,人们偏离了通常被认为是他们的行为规范, 它通常是由某种形式的认知偏见引起的. 有数百种 不同的认知偏差 已经在人类心理学领域得到了深入的研究.

关于 设计 对于用户行为,我们倾向于认为事情将保持不变. It’s a dangerous assumption—not making an accommodation for change and the impact of biases can quickly cause a user to lose any motivation for continuing with the experience.

Coupling archetypes with the cognitive biases of users gives you clarity when creating a strategic 内容 matrix. The matrix would indicate ways to respond to deviations from the norm in users’ behavior. 让我们来看看行为设计中一些较大的偏见.


对现状有偏见通常意味着你非常抗拒改变. 保持现状的人必须有强烈的动力去尝试新事物. 他们不是新产品的早期采用者. 针对这种趋势进行设计意味着在较长时间内缓慢地实现增量目标.


Loss a版本 is as it sounds: the tendency to fear losing something or not getting enough over time. 这种偏见经常被营销人员用来让你购买某种产品 现在. 针对这种偏见进行设计意味着强调如果不立即采取行动将会失去什么.

例如:一项在线服务提供30天的免费试用. Towards the end of the trial, you receive messages saying “Your trial is about to expire. 别错过这次特价,现在就买吧!” Another common example: You’d better get those airline tickets 现在 because there are only “two seats left”!


This is the tendency to do (or believe) things because many other people do (or believe) the same things. 这是一种想要归属于一个群体的倾向.

For example: have you ever gone to a travel or product site and seen a phrase like “45 other people are viewing this 现在,或“有35个人想在这家酒店预订房间。?” That’s a marketing technique to try to make you feel like you’ll be left out of the group if you don’t buy 现在. 在很多情况下,它还伴随着对损失的厌恶. 设计ing for this bias means highlighting what other people are doing on the site right 现在.


可用性启发式 is the quick assessment or decision about an issue, person, 等. 基于当前的观点. 这是一种做出假设的倾向. 设计ing for this means making sure awareness of information isn’t assumed as users move through the journey. This also relates to the idea 那。 if you hear something repeated long and often enough it must be true.


想想冲动购买——通过折扣获得更直接的回报. Hyperbolic discounting leads to choices 那。 are inconsistent over time: 人 make choices today 那。 their future selves would prefer not to have made despite using the same reasoning.

例如,假设你想在网上买花. 你按照步骤去取那些美丽的玫瑰花,然后, 最后, 你会得到一系列附加产品,比如巧克力, 一只泰迪熊, 等. 全部打折,但必须现在购买. 您可以决定是否获得附加组件. 这很难预测. 比如你那天的感受, 你买花的理由是什么(积极的还是消极的), 你的银行账户里有多少钱, and whether today was payday or not all play a part in whether or not you add 那。 extra item. 设计ing for this bias means working into the design a feature k现在n as “FOMO” or “fear of missing out” if you don’t act 现在.

有数百种不同的偏见. 这些是设计中更常用的一些. 确定一组以满足您的特定项目需求.



By creating a foundation for your design using behavioral science—defining a person’s archetype and understanding strategically how to design using cognitive biases, 你可以更准确地塑造 互动体验 那。 动态的个性化 内容. 通过了解这个人, 他们的行为, 偏见会随着时间的推移而出现, 你可以逐步调整产品体验,以保持他们的动力. 结合时, these efforts coupled with data analytics and data science are powerful tools 那。 can help influence human behavior positively.

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验证专家 在设计




Mike has many years of successful design experience working for global clients like ExxonMobil, 锐步, 塔可钟, 和耐克.

authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.





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