作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.
验证专家 在设计
13 的经验

Micah是一名数字设计师,曾与谷歌、德勤和欧特克等客户合作. He 是一个lso the Lead Editor of Toptal’s 设计 博客, and his design expertise has been featured in Fast Company, TNW, 以及其他著名的出版物.








此前在Verizon Media任职

Predrag是一名多学科设计师,在包括游戏在内的多个行业工作, 体育, 食物, 和娱乐. 在他15年的设计生涯中, he’s partnered with global brands such as Verizon Media, 雅虎, 和NFL.

佩贾·马尔科维奇 是一个 平面设计师 总部设在塞尔维亚的贝尔格莱德. 他在许多行业工作过, 包括传统印刷, 包装, 食物, 电视, 和更多的, but the gaming industry was always where he wanted to be. 在为一家开发Java游戏宣传材料的机构工作之后, he joined Mad Head Games to work as a game UX designer.

In early 2021, he secured an engagement with 该校副校长工作室,一家总部位于泰国的手机游戏公司,为其网站设计宣传资产 苹果商场 游戏, 流明.


《欧博体育app下载》是一款益智游戏,玩家在阁楼上找到一个神秘的盒子,并必须操纵灯光, 镜头, and mirrors inside it to reveal the story of the box’s creator, a 19th-century Scottish inventor named 奥利维亚Mc流明.

马尔科维奇被要求设计一个标志, 一个图标, and the promotional key art using existing 3D assets from the game.


Apple typically works on a very tight timeline. Markovic had just two weeks to turn in the game logo and splash art, and then four weeks to finalize the icon. 简报还包括一个视差版本的标志和图标,可以通过Apple TV的指针进行操作, but Markovic had never worked with Apple’s 视差Previewer 之前.

“时间很短, so I knew it would mean working a lot of nights and weekends,马尔科维奇说. “但除了视差预览器, 我已经很熟悉我的工具了, and having worked in the game industry 之前, I understood the process of a game launch.”


游戏的主角, 奥利维亚Mc流明, lived during the late 1800s and early 1900s, 唤起那个时代的回忆, the look and feel of the game draws from steampunk and art nouveau aesthetics. “We loved the handcrafted aesthetics of these styles,Jakob Lykkegaard Pedersen说, Lykke工作室的负责人. “它们的做工真的很好,很细致,这是你现在很难找到的.”

These aesthetics needed to be reflected in the promotional assets.

供参考, the studio provided a playable build of the 游戏, 以及游戏中的3D资产,这些资产可以重新用于宣传艺术.

“I always wanted to design something in the steampunk style,马尔科维奇说. “It’s really a visually unique style and because it’s fantasy technology, you have huge possibilities in what you create. 我很高兴有机会将其与游戏设定期间流行的新艺术风格融合在一起.”

首先,马尔科维奇集结起来 情绪板 并参考图像,让自己沉浸在蒸汽朋克和新艺术风格中,因为他想把这些细节融入到他的作品中.

“虽然《欧博体育app下载》是一款手机游戏, visually it’s very polished and realistic looking with detailed 3D models, 纹理, 还有动态照明,马尔科维奇说. “It is not a heavily stylized game with flat shapes and clean design. The assets I created needed to reflect that look and feel. 在这种情况下,a skeuomorphic设计 方法是最好的选择. 我们希望通过logo和应用图标向玩家展示游戏的真实面貌. And because skeuomorphic设计 is not a common design choice these days, it set the game apart in the 苹果商场.”


“I have a somewhat complex pipeline when I design in 3D,马尔科维奇说. “我使用了很多不同的工具,因为我喜欢充分利用每一种工具,这样我的最终产品才能真正得到润色.”

他从手绘草图开始,迅速将他的初步想法传达给客户. 一旦他们确定了最佳选择,他就会在Adobe Illustrator中制作2D版本. 然后, 下载3D版本, 他在欧特克的3ds Max中设置场景,并在Corona Renderer中最终完成.

然后,作为一个额外的步骤,他导出alpha通道到Photoshop来修饰图像. If he’s creating an animation, he uses Adobe After Effects.

他说:“这让我可以完全控制阴影、光线和色彩。. “你真的能看出区别. And for a game about light, it’s even more important.”

The game icon 之前 and after retouching.


Markovic initially developed a logo using 排版 that leaned heavily on mechanical elements, 比如铆钉和铰链, to highlight the steampunk influences on the game. 它的制作速度也相对较快,这一点很重要,因为时间很短.


But the studio also wanted the logo to project the more artistic, creative elements of the game’s look and feel, 所以马尔科维奇重新开始, 创造一种与装饰谜题盒和其他游戏功能的新艺术风格细节相呼应的字体.

Markovic’s sketches detail the progression of various ideas for 流明’s logo.

然后他添加了游戏中的元素, 包括玩家必须操纵的灯光和镜子来解决谜题, and animated them with Adobe After Effects. 这个标志, 哪个看起来像哑光钢, 是设置在木制背景周围的装饰黄铜边界与功能性齿轮在角落.


The final animated logo references a number of game elements, 包括木箱, 黄铜配件, and the lights and mirrors that feature in gameplay.


The icon is often a potential player’s first introduction to a game. It’s what the player will see when scrolling through the 苹果商场 store. 《欧博体育app下载》的图标需要唤起游戏的精髓,吸引玩家点击它.

Apple’s icon guidelines recommend against using text, so the image needed to be as distinctive as the game’s name. 马尔科维奇画了几个选项:奥莉维亚·麦克伦的图像和拼图盒的各种视图, including one in which the box was open to display the game elements.

奥利维亚的形象和打开盒子的选项太复杂了,不能很好地处理小尺寸的图标. 图像需要更简单,但保留游戏的现实风格和其他宣传资产.

马尔科维奇最终设计了两幅决赛作品:一幅是整个盒子的透视图,另一幅是从上面看的, and a full-frame close-up of the front decoration, with the lid slightly open and light shining from within.

The two finalists featured the box and light elements.

The second option ultimately made the cut.



Players can also shop for games on Apple TV. 在那里,他们可以使用设备遥控器上的指针功能操纵游戏图标.

为了实现这个功能, 设计师需要创建由两到五层组成的分层图像,这些图层联合起来创建一个单一的交互式图像.

To ensure his design would work on the platform, Markovic needed to use Apple’s 视差Previewer tool, 哪个对他来说是新的, 但他没有犹豫. “I like to experiment with new tools,” he says.

苹果的视差预览工具允许Markovic创建用户可以使用Apple TV指针操作的图标.

“We were especially impressed by the iOS, tvo, 以及为我们设计的macOS图标,Lykkegaard Pedersen说. “它们是用3D技术制作的,让原本扁平的图标看起来就像从你的设备中弹出一样. It looks very unique in the app store and it fits the game super well.”


游戏设置在一个满是灰尘的阁楼上,光线从窗户射进来. 马尔科维奇需要重新利用现有的艺术,以便将其用于营销材料. He was provided with a number of 3D assets from the 游戏, 包括拼图盒, of course; a gramophone; a clock; and an interior shot of the attic.

But because the game’s art was optimized for mobile, 马尔科维奇不得不为图片添加更多细节,以使它们更利于营销. This meant he had to add more polygons and meshes, and in some cases had to redesign them from scratch. He rendered everything in 4K in Corona Renderer for a high-definition look, then used Photoshop to retouch the images.

Part of the 3D game art provided by the studio, which is optimized for mobile.

The finished splash art featuring retouched images.

他说:“我和客户之间的沟通对这件事的成功至关重要。. “幸运的是,他们有经验 3 d艺术家 谁为我准备了3D素材. 在那之后, 我在3ds Max中设置了一个场景,我们一起为飞溅艺术设置正确的情绪. 工作室的领导反应非常积极,并与我密切合作,推动反映游戏的美术方向.”


流明 has been a successful 游戏, with a 4.7 rating out of 5 in the 苹果商场 store. 给工作室团队留下了深刻印象 ·马尔科维奇的工作 that they’ve brought him on again for another game.


  • 你是如何形成一个标志概念的?

    标志 development means first understanding the brief. 然后 research extensively to immerse yourself in ideas. 使用情绪板来集中你的方法. 头脑风暴激发你的创造力. Use sketches to visualize your ideas better, and don’t forget color! Finally, digitally refine your best idea.

  • 什么是游戏图标?

    与应用图标一样,游戏图标是用于识别在线商店或玩家库中的游戏的图标. 游戏图标设计应该与游戏的其他品牌保持一致,告诉用户点击时会看到什么.

  • 什么是游戏艺术?

    Game artwork refers to any visual element associated with a game. 这可能包括概念美术、故事板、精灵、3D模型、灯光、动画等等.



验证专家 在设计
13 的经验




Micah是一名数字设计师,曾与谷歌、德勤和欧特克等客户合作. He 是一个lso the Lead Editor of Toptal’s 设计 博客, and his design expertise has been featured in Fast Company, TNW, 以及其他著名的出版物.

作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.







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